Homeassistant.local refused to connect in iframe

I added a nginx webserver to the Pi that is running Dakboard (I’m not running the Dakboard OS) and created a custom homepage (that is started when the Pi is booted).

<!DOCTYPE html>

html, body {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    background-color: black;


<iframe scrolling="no" id="top_frame" style="width: 1080px; height: 1760px;" src="https://dakboard.com/display/uuid/<<MYUUID>>" frameBorder="0">></iframe>
<iframe scrolling="no" id="bottom_frame" style="width: 1080px; height: 160px;" src="http://homeassistant.local:8123/lovelace/board?kiosk" frameBorder="0"></iframe>


That custom homepage has two iframes. The top one is showing Dakboard info (calendar, photos, weather etc). The bottom iframe is showing my home assistant info.

This has been working flawlessly, until two updates ago. The bottom frame now displays “homeassistant.local refused to connect.”

It works fine if I replace that iframe with a different local URL, and it also works fine if I call that URL from a different browser.

The logs on HA don’t show anything regarding this connection that is not accepted.

What could be causing this ?

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Hi, have you read the breaking changes of the 2023.9 release?

Of course I haven’t :roll_eyes:

I have now, and yes, that fixed things. Sorry, always forget to look for the easiest solution first. Thx


Hi Braham,

I also have this issue but I am getting errors on the

  use_x_frame_options: false

Can you share the code that worked for you?

I have exactly that code. It does require a reboot of HA and a refresh of the html page with the iframe.

Same for me! The code gives an error message, but it works!