Homeassistant, offline after a couple of hours On Pi 4

I tried finding information in the forum and google. But with no luck. My homeassistant running on a pi 4, using an SSD, stops working after a couple of hours. And only a reboot fixes it for the next few hours. I have tried to check different log files but I cannot find anything that may give me a hint on what the problem is. Is there a topic/documentation on what todo/check if this happens. I wanted to look at the journal files, but apparently the OS used does not have journalctl to actually check them out (would be interesting to know why you would log in a format that you cannot show in the same OS). What I did find is that you then need to copy the journal files to a linux distro that does support journalctl, which I do not have. Any hints would be appreciated. (BTW, I think the whole OS stops working, not just HA, but am not certain of that) Thanks in advance. Ben

If the device is not responding to ICMP pings from your desktop machine, then it’s probably the whole OS.

Please ensure your RPi 4 CPU has a decent heat sink, possibly a fan, and that the heat sink makes solid contact with the CPU using a good thermal paste. That will solve 90% of your RPi freezes.

If it continues freezing after that, then try using a different SD card or an SSD drive.

Please change the title of your post to specify you are using a Raspberry Pi 4.

Also make sure you are using a powerful enough power supply and that it is stable too.

An try to read the log in the ha directory named something like homeassustant.log.1
The .1 means it is the log from the previous run.

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I replaced the case (metal case that is attached by the cpu) with one with a fan. Looked like that solved the problem. For a couple of days everything looked ok. This evening it was again offline again. So I rebooted the pi. No luck it remains offline. Is there anyway to tell if the os is actually running? It is not reachable via putty either…

Power down and let the processor cool for 30 minutes. Then try again. If it boots now, your fan is inadequate or the thermal compound on the processor is not properly applied. (Too much is worse than none).

You can create a sensor in your configuration.yaml file to watch the processor temperature.

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