HomeAssistant on MacOS (OSX) with Python.....configuration.yaml

Good afternoon,

Installed HomeAssistant on MacOS (OSX) with Python without any problem, thanks to the fabulous instructions.

With the google home paired, somfy working, but I need to configure the xiaomi, the case is that the configuration.yaml., I do not locate it …

It is a hidden file in the system, I access from Teminal, but I cannot access the configuration.yaml.

Can someone please give me a cable with this file to edit it?

Thanks in advance.

I’m pretty sure it’s stored as a hidden folder. Wherever you created your home assistant folder, there should be a .homeassistant subfolder.

i.e. if you created the virtual python environment at ~/homeassistant, your configurations should be at


Keep in mind, these files are owned by the home assistant user. You can either add your current user to the home assistant group id, or change into the homeassistant virtual env to edit them as that user…neither of which I’m 100% certain how to do on MacOS. Most of this I’m basing on how I run in python virtual env.

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Thank you very much for the help, for your time.
Yes, it is a hidden system file.

but … I can’t find him.

.-on this route is the installation
.-Started HomeAssistant in Macos
.-Cannot find the .YAML file


use “ls -la” to see all hidden files in command line. Anything starting with a “.” is hidden. The finder wont be able to find the folder at all and wont find anything inside of it.

It could be in your user folder and not in ~/homeassistant/.homeassistant"

ls -la ~

Or more specific:

ls -la ~/.homeassistant/

This is based on what I’ve found. Maybe eventually someone running on mac will jump in and be able to tell me I’m dumb :stuck_out_tongue:

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nothing silly !!! Very smart and thank you very much for your time.
I was focused on searching inside the installation folder … and no … the .homeasistant was out, in another directory.

to see all hidden files …
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES && killall Finder

Thank you!!!

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