HomeAssistant on Raspberry Pi 400?

I’m brand new here and would like to familiarize myself with the topic.
Since Raspberry Pi4 are very expensive at the moment and I could get a Pi 400 for free, I would like to know if I can use it for HomeAssistant?
Many, many thanks for your help.

Yes, it is possible. Just think about, that the most installation methods are headless, so the keyboard and such would become useless…

Thank You.
Just scratching the surface, what do you mean by headless?

Basically, that means that the device doesn’t need to have a display attached.

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A headless linux installation is one without a graphical user interface. They’re meant to be run without a screen, and if you do attach one you’ll see a terminal only (think a DOS window, but as your whole screen. And linux, so far more capable).

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Thank you for your answers.
So that would be possible for a low-cost entry and I still have all the possibilities of HomeAssistant

Yes, it will be fine…

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Hello Sascha,

Welcome! It’s great that you’re exploring the possibility of using a Raspberry Pi 400 for Home Assistant. The response you mentioned is correct in highlighting that many installation methods for Home Assistant are headless, meaning they don’t require a graphical user interface. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t use a Raspberry Pi 400 for this purpose.

Using Linux with Docker on the Raspberry Pi is a viable and efficient option. Docker allows you to run applications in containers, making it easier to manage dependencies and ensuring a consistent environment. With Docker, you can run Home Assistant in a container on your Raspberry Pi 400 without the need for a graphical interface.

Additionally, having a Raspberry Pi with a built-in keyboard and a form factor like the Raspberry Pi 400 can be convenient for other purposes as well. You can certainly use the graphical interface for various tasks or even connect the Pi 400 to a monitor when needed.

Overall, using a Raspberry Pi 400 with Linux and Docker for Home Assistant is a practical and feasible approach. If you have any specific questions about the setup or need further guidance, feel free to ask.

Additionally, I’d like to recommend a helpful video for your Home Assistant journey. There’s a Brazilian YouTube channel dedicated to Home Assistant called “Focado em Casa.” They cover various topics related to Home Assistant, and the video titled “Instalação do Home Assistant OS no Raspberry Pi 4 com Docker e Portainer” (Home Assistant OS Installation on Raspberry Pi 4 with Docker and Portainer) could provide you with valuable insights into setting up Home Assistant in a Docker container on your Raspberry Pi. You can watch the video here.

Have been using it for a year already with micro SD card. No problems at all. Have homeassistant yellow with ssd on side waiting if micro SD fails. Thumbs up for Pi 400.

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