Homeassistant restore Influx DB Backup from another server

Good morning from Germany!
Today I have a question about the InfluxDB addon.
I’m unsure if I misunderstood the role InfluxDB plays as an addon with Home assistant.

But first of all, I will explain what I’m trying to do.
Well, I’ve been hosting an InfluxDB databank for a few years now and I’m very happy with it to store the sensor data from my Sensors via Node-red.
But in recent months I wanted to start using Home assistant for better usability of my Smarthome.
Because of that, I wanted to port everything into add-ons inside of HA.
This worked pretty well for all of my services (Node-red, Zigbee2MQTT, …).
But now I’m stuck with influxdb.

I thought I could just restore a backup of my databases on the HA Influx addon and use the data I have been collecting the last few years as I would do with the “old” installation of InfluxDB.

But as you can imagine this did not work very well.

Now my question is if this is even possible to do??

Thank you very much in advance!

I’m in the exact same situation, did you find a solution?

Same situation here.
How do I bring back my data to a fresh install from a HA full backup?