Homeassistant Wont start

I am new to homeassistant. Installed it 3 days back and has been great!

I have installed it on a Mac using virtualbox.

Recently I added duckdns and when i restarted, the UI was not starting (Port 8123). However the observer ui on 4357 port is also working.

I think my changes in configuration.yam to configure duckdns certificate has messed it.

I dont have SSL or samba configured, I have been using Visualstudio addon.

On the host machine, the virtual box just shows me ha cli. I tried restarting core and core check for errors, but dont see any errors.

The HA CLI is the only thing I have access to on virtualbox image. I am also unable to scroll on this window to see the logs.

Is there any way to edit the configuration.yaml from HA or inside the virtualbox image? Any troubleshooting guide or help would be appreciated.

Are you using https now instead of http?


You are spot on Mike!

This is so silly!!!

Happens all the time! btw I just want to point out observer will always be @ http even when using https. If you try to access observer with https you’ll get an error.