Is there any way to configure pooling interval to a custom value lower than the default 1 min? I have motion sensors that control lights and they are not accurate for light control. They have a delay and i suspect is due to 1 min pooling interval.
There is no way to change it and no plans to support changing it. But the good news is there is a better option on its way.
The HomeKit protocol supports events and I’m migrating the HA HomeKit client to asyncio (rather than using threads) so we can support this. In my tests that means a Hue remote can trigger events via homekit near instantaneously.
This is a large change, but most of the actual dev is done. Unfortunately I’ve run out of free time so the last little bit is taking a long time.
Most but not all characteristics support events. Some things are mandatory. So things like switches almost certainly would. Things like temperature may but it’s not mandatory.
While the code is nearly there I’m massively short on time right now. But there are a couple of people interested in helping get it over the line. I’d say it’s more than a couple of weeks though.