Homekit - Did Apple change something lately?

I have noticed that lately at least two things changed in homekit and I’d like to know if its a thing that I could change back.

Till that change some days (or weeks?) ago I was able to turn my entity “light” (yes I have one light that called “light” because I use it very often and it was the first one) on with saying “Hey Siri, turn light on”.

Now this will turn all of my lights on.

Next thing is that I have two garage doors within homekit. One of them is called garage.
Currently if I say “… open garage” Siri tells me that I have more than one garagedoor and she wants to know which one.
“… open garage garage” works, but this isn’t that smart.
As a workarround for this I switched one of the device classes to a cover. This way my I have only one garage device. (This has one downside, besiedes not showing the right icon, security is less than a garage device, iphone hast to be unlocked for garage devices).

I’d really like to keep the entity name “light” for that light? Is there a way to go back. Did Apple mentioned changes for homekit in 12.1 (12.1.2) ?

I think this is being caused by backend changes to Siri. I used to say “Hey Siri start my car” to activate my input Boolean called “start my car” but now she turns on all the lights, my entertainment center, my pc AND starts the car. I had to rename my input Boolean to “car” and say “hey Siri turn on my car” :roll_eyes:
I’ve seen similar complaints in /r/HomeKit and /r/HomePod as well.