Long story short is that I have a working setup with HomeKit on 82.1. If I ever upgrade past this, automations in the Home app fail to work along with notifications. I have tried the latest release of 83.x and also 84.5. Entities will show fine in the actual home app and I can sometimes get notifications after opening the app. Just not automatically and the automations just don’t run at all. During troubleshooting I have signed out and back in all the Apple TVs that act as hubs and it still doesn’t fix the issues. I can revert back to my 82.1 snapshot in HASS.IO and automations and notifications work fine again. Any ideas what could cause this or something that I could change in my config to be able to upgrade?
I’m having similar issues except it’s specifically with an automation in HomeKit between a non-native HomeKit device that’s exposed through Home Assistant (GE Z-wave Switch) and a native HomeKit device that’s paired directly to HomeKit (iDevice Switch). It will just randomly stop working and sometimes if I restart Hassio, it starts working again and other times I have to restart my HomePod to get it working again.
Another issue I’ve noticed is sometimes that GE Zwave switch won’t show the correct state in HomeKit, but it does in Hassio. However, even if it does show the correct state, I’m still seeing the automation issues.
I’ve seen this since 0.83 and I’m currently on the latest, 0.84.6.
I’ve seen the issues with the native and non-native devices in the same automation as well. If you have any notifications from homekit setup, do they work with 83.X?
The only notification I have setup is for my Logi Circle 2 camera to send me a notification if motion is detected when no one is home. However, I just changed it to send me a notification when I am home and I walked passed the camera a few times and I received a notification each time.
Ok thanks. Not sure what is causing my issues then. Everything is fine on mine since I restored the 82.1 snapshot this morning. I may be stuck at this release for a while
I’m going to try to remove the Home Assistant bridge and delete my .homekit.state
file to start all over. Definitely a pain having to set everything up again but I’m really hoping to get a stable HomeKit setup with Home Assistant.
I wonder if all of these things are related to this issue:
There’s definitely something going on with HomeKit in Home Assistant.
That’s definitely worth a shot. I may try that as well. Would love to get back to the latest releases.
Well, it was working great for about 8 hours then my automation stopped working yet again. Not sure what else to do at this point. I might just buy a GE Z-Wave plug and run the automation from within Home Assistant.
Really weird why it doesn’t work. One would think if HomeKit is seeing the device status update, then the automation should run…
Edit: The other thing is sometimes that same switch I’m trying to automate - sometimes when I toggle the physical switch, Home Assistant will show the correct state but the iOS Home app will not. Definitely something strange, like HomeKit is not correctly receiving updates from Home Assistant.
Just created an issue on the HomeAssistant GitHub. Looking at the logs, it appears Home Assistant and the HomeKit component are functioning correctly (or at least they’re seeing/updating device status changes according to the logs). I’m assuming the issue is somewhere within HAP-python, or somewhere else. Hopefully someone can take a closer look.
I see this as well on anything past 82.1. My automation is for a couple of homekit compatible switches that will turn off after a sensor I created in home Assistant doesn’t detect motion for an hour. Then another where it will turn one of the switches back on after it sees motion again. They simply do not work after upgrading. However, another couple of lights controlled directly by hass as part of the same automation still fire. So I agree that it’s somethin in the actual homekit integration. Any ideas if that code was updated after 82.1?
Try going into your Services in the UI and select automation.turn_on then call the service. That got everything working again for me
The automation works as far as home assistant is concerned. In simple terms, I just have the automation turn on a template sensor after a certain time. Home assistant triggers that sensor and then HomeKit would act upon that sensor that is exposed thru the HomeKit component. After upgrading to 83.x and above, the automation fires in homeassistant but HomeKit never does anything with it unless I drop back to 82.1
This might all be related to this issue on the HAP-python repo. I think a fix was pushed for an upcoming release.
That does seem like it might fix the issue. Hopefully we see it in a release soon
I’m running the fix right now on my Hassio setup. So far it’s working great. Will keep an eye on it but I believe this fixes the issue, among some other minor issues I was seeing.