Now Hassio’s latest incarnation supports Homekit natively, do we still need the Homebridge add-on? Somewhat confused here, and a bit cautious to change things, while i finally have Homebridge working magic.
The Homekit component only supports covers and sensors, so if you can live with only using those in homekit, then there should be no problem switching over from Homebridge.
I am not certain if there is any way to hide entities from the Homekit component, though.
Reading the current component description, I consider the homekit component being a proof-of-concept, not yet a usable component. However, once it evolves and offers more components, I will give it a try.
yep, until further notice. Will wait and see what comes next in development, before I risk disrupting whats working fine now.
Cool development though!
What are the benefits of running the HomeKit component versus the Homebridge plugin? I read through the HomeKit component thread that is locked which has some mention about Python being preferably over NodeJS, but is there any actual benefit in terms of speed, reliability and features?
I have HomeBridge working flawlessly on another pi and I too am reluctant to move away, however I really want all in one place if that makes sense. Is HomeKit on HA up to it yet?
I use the following in HomeBridge:
Netatmo weather
Nest thermostat
WeMo plug sockets
Sonoff Tasmota switches
Command line switches to control my Tivo
MQTT Temperature sensor
Xiaomi gateway (motion sensor)
TPLink plug socket
As I say, it is running great, backed up every night and I even managed to restore to a fresh Pi in about 30 mins the other week when the SD card went awol.