Homematic IP HmIP-BROLL

Please add HMIP-BROLL

Please update the Homematic IP component with the latest Rest-API devices

according to this source, that component is already integrated

Not for users that use the HomeMatic IP Cloud component. :wink:

The best would be to contact Mattias Welponer (mxworm) who created the HmIP component from the REST-API in the first place, so he could create an update from the latest REST-API version.

I unterstand the HMIP-BROLL is already included in the Rest API, but:
2019-01-27 21:23:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homematicip.home] There is no class for KEY_REMOTE_CONTROL_4 yet
2019-01-27 21:23:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homematicip.home] There is no class for SHUTTER_PROFILE yet
it would be really helpful an my biggest wish to have the Shutters in HA
What needs to be done ?

homematic IP cloud cover module seems to be available now. (Release 0.87)
However, I do face an odd issue. The cover up / down buttons as well as the status (percentage) is reversed in comparison to the “homematic IP” iOS App. The “homematic IP” App on iOS will lift the shade as far as i press the “up” button und show 0% as far as the cover is open.
On "home Assistant the “up” button will close the shade and the status seems to be reversed as well.
Does anybody face the same issue?
Any solutions for this?

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tose60, I have exactly the same behaviour. I hope that @mxworm or some other great developer can fix this easily. Beside that it´s working very great and i´m happy to have the covers now in HASSIO and in HomeKit :slight_smile: