HomeMatic Thermostat Evo (HmIP-eTRV-E) attributes and services not loading

Hi there,

i have accomplished to mate my raspberrymatic (CCU3 alternative) addon with the homematic HA integration. My devices (3x HmIP-eTRV-E) are visible and some attributes are available.

Unfortunately the ‘state’ is ‘unavailable’ and services of the climate domain did not show up.

This is what i think i have access to (HAss → Developer Tools → Entities):

restored: true
  - auto
  - heat
  - 'off'
min_temp: 4.5
max_temp: 30.5
target_temp_step: 0.5
  - boost
supported_features: 17
friendly_name: Livingroom Thermostat

I don’t know if i set everything up correctly but from the raspberrymatic everything is available and can be accessed just fine. I see the current and the target temperature, window state and all i can wish for. Heating routines for auto mode are working as expected etc.

Is the thermostat model just to new to be integrated completely or is there anything i am missing?

I am glad for any help and happy to share any logs or implement the necessary configurations to get this working.

Looking forward for your suggestions.

I got it!

It was not a entity configuration or detection problem rather than my misconfiguration of the ports in raspberrymatic-addon and the raspberrymatic firewall.

To get the communication between HASS and raspberrymatic right, for me, the installation of the CCU XML software package as well as setting resolvehostnames: xml was necessary. In addition to that I had to open all of the following ports: 1999; 2000;2001;2010;9292; for restricted, local access. This only worked when I also activated those ports in the raspberrymatic-addon (section “configuration” in supervisor).

Information I found online were sometimes misleading for me. I did even find some statements telling me not to use the CUxXML package as it will be suspect to deprecation soon. So all in all this took me several evenings to get it right finally.

By the way, i am currently running Home Assistant Supervisd on my x86 server running ArchLinux. I have a hmIP-RFUSB stick (the t-system version) running for communication with hmIP. The setup was kind of time consuming and frustrating, but it is possible!

Hey @si11ium,
I’ve got an archlinux server and want to run Homematic virtually in a container using my HMIP-RFUSB stick. However, although I find the device using lsusb, no device appears in /dev that I could mount in a container.
Could you give me a hint how you made it? Is there any driver that must be installed?

Hey @baflo,

did you already load the kernel module “cp210x”?

Subsequently, you need to define an UDEV rule, which mounts the device with this driver. Then it should be listed as /dev/ttyusbX.

I think cp210 is included in the standard arch-kernel.

Have a look at this (german, thou) thread:

Sry for the late reply :slight_smile: