I’ve been a Home Assistant user for about three years now and I constantly have trouble with ZigBee devices not connecting, or going offline. 3 times I’ve change my zigbee radio to try to fix this with the most recent being the Home Assistant SkyConnect and previous to that the SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 adapter.
Recently I purchased a Homey Pro hub to experiment with. I’ve connected zigbee devices that Home Assistant struggles with and they all worked 1st try, zero issues connecting. Some of these devices took me 10+ attempts to connect to home assistant, then went offline after a period of time.
If I could bridge Homey to Home Assistant, I’d just use it as my Zigbee hub, but that doesn’t presently seem to be very practical.
The only thing I haven’t tried with Home Assistant is switching from ZHA to zigbee2mqtt. Is zigbee2mqtt more reliable that ZHA?