Honeywell ZWave fan controller entity shows "undefined" but it works!

I have a fan controller that I just added to Hassio. It’s entity is showing up like this: fan.honeywell_unknown_type_4944_id_3131_level

The device is a Honeywell Z-Wave Plus Smart Fan Speed Control, model 39358. It works fine in HA. It lets me set off, slow, medium, or high. But the “unknown” thing makes me think it’s defective or something. Or does this just mean it’s not on the “approved” list for HA? If it’s not on the list, it should be. It works fine.

It’s not a big deal, as the UI elements are all settable to what I want, but the entity saying “unknown” gets me nervous!


It just means that the device configuration manufacturer specific xml file doesn’t exist in the version of OpenZwave that HA uses. So OpenZwave doesn’t know exactly what kind of device it is.

There is a way to edit the xml files and add it but I’m no expert on it. If it works then I wouldn’t mess with it if it were me.

Makes sense, thanks!

I’ve had this with ZWave nodes that were some distance from the controller. At initial setup, the new node needs to be close to the controller because it doesn’t know about any repeaters. I think it means that the config frames didn’t reach the controller.
I was able to correct the situation by physically moving the node closer and using the refresh option. After that, the node and it’s devices were fully described and can be moved to its final location.

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