Hooking existing alarm system into HASS

Hi all!

I have an existing alarm system in my home, that I would like to tie into HASS. Been looking around for a good solution, and found several options, wondering if anyone has done something like this? I would like to keep the existing working and just run this parallel.

  1. AlarmDecoder. $140. Little sceptical, there have been no updates to any of the products or articles in months.

  2. EyezOn Link module. $107. I would like something without the cloud activity…

  3. Emulate a keypad with Arduino/Node similar to this (I have different make). Will take a lot of effort…

I’ve got the Eyez-On Envisalink 4 paired with my Honeywell Vista20p and it works fine. It allows me to use the cover template to create my ‘garage’ door by pairing my hardwired garage door sensor going into my alarm panel with my mimolite switch to actually open/close it. My house was pre-wired (all doors and window screens) so it’s just easier. One thing to note on the Envisalink (not sure if it’s the same on the alarm decoder) but you can only have 1 device linked to it at a time. I transitioned over from a Vera and it wouldn’t let me have both HA and Vera talking to it at the same time.

Thanks! How was it to set up? You are getting status for all sensors (Door/Glass/PIR)?

This is how mine is set up.

Based on this: https://home-assistant.io/components/envisalink/

  host: 192.xxx.xxx.xxx
  panel_type: HONEYWELL
  user_name: ****
  password: ****
  code: '****'
  port: ****
  evl_version: 4
  keepalive_interval: 30
  zonedump_interval: 15
      name: 'Zone 1'
      type: 'opening'
      name: 'Zone 2'
      type: 'opening'
      name: 'Zone 3'
      type: 'opening'
      name: 'Zone 4'
      type: 'opening'
      name: 'Home Alarm'
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Thanks! I may have to go that route :slight_smile:

I’v done exactly the same: a Honeywell (ADT) Vista P20 and the Envisalink 4.

This required - at least for the initial setup, I think - to expose the Envisalink to the Eyez-On cloud service.
I haven’t tried yet to cut the connection between the two of them by blocking access to the Eyez-On service in my router - that’s a project for the coming weekend. Don’t want to startle all the neighbors when the alarm goes off at night :wink:

I did the same with my TP-Link switches to stop them from calling home - works fine.

I received mine yesterday and got it set up, took a minute to understand how the panel itself is programmed, but got it up and working. Please do let me know if you we’re able to block the services :slight_smile:

I have just setup mine using the Alarm Decoder (AD2USB) and setup ser2sock and enabled my zones. works like a champ. next step is to setup my automations.

I’ve tried a few things, bu so far no success in locking the ‘calling home feature’.
Did anybody else succeed yet?

Not sure what that is, sorry!

The same goes for the Envisalink. You will only need to connect if you want to update the firmware.

It annoys me when these manufactures insist on having their products phone home with no way to disable it. Or allow manual download if their firmware to offline update. Even worst are the ones that goes through futile attempts to hide this behaviour.

ahhhh :). I agree.

I tried to block access from the Envisalink module to the IP address shown as Envisalerts Server in the ‘EnvisAlerts Status’ section of the Network settings.
Didn’t seem to make a difference, though.
It still showed as being ‘Online’.

Even tried to us WireShark to check for traffic but couldn’t get it set up properly :frowning:

Anything else I could try?

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I simply block everything from the Envisalink IP.

Does your ‘EnvisAlerts Status’ still show as ‘Online’?

And I’d prefer to prevent the Envisalink module from calling home in the first place rather than just not seeing what comes back from the Envisalink server.

I never setup an Evisalink account so never checked their status. However, when I contacted support they were not able to see my device (just as I intended). My IoT and automation devices are NOT permitted to connect to the internet. HA and Echo are the only exception. HA is restricted to a few home-assistant sub domains, python.org, git and google. I tried restricting the Echo to a few AWS servers but those kept changing and the task was getting tedious. So I gave Alexa her own VLAN, permitted unrestricted access to the internet and only allow access to HA’s emulated Hue port internally.

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Sounds like a good appoach.
Unfortunately, I’m lacking the network skills to deal with VLANs and such.

I guess I should have checked if I could have set up the Envisalink module without creating an account. Good to know that it woked for you.

I also still have a Hook runnning which I’m planning to replace soon with a local, Pi-based solution.

More projects than time.
And not all of them are as much fun or as rewarding as successfully gettiing an new component connected into HA :frowning:

Hi all, I just found this thread and pretty new to the HomeAssistant community. I’ve been developing for SmartThings for a little while and I’m the creator of the Konnected project which does exactly what you all are looking for to hook up existing wired alarm system sensors. It’s based on the open source ESP8266 NodeMCU module.

I’ve had a LOT of great interest from the SmartThings community and I’m hearing more and more about HomeAssistant. I’m definitely considering working on a HASS integration soon.

Do you think this is something that HASS users would be into. How many people here have wired alarm systems that they would convert into HASS?

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I’m interested, but if the complexity is too high and/or reliability is too low, then my wife factor will kill the project. But, if it was a couple hour job and reasonable hardware price to bridge with my pre-wired ADT system to HASS, then I’d definitely give it a go!

And a quick look at your site, for $49 I’d definitely jump on that as a OOTB solution with some tech-saviness (which I can easily provide) to integrate with HASS!

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Glad I found this thread.
I have a envisalink 4 I’m planning to hook up, and had setup the account for it with eyez on, but have not connected the device yet.
So I just deleted the device info, and then the account.
Now I’ll try to connect my module to HA without an account, and see what happens. Be great if I don’t need any cloud access for my alarm.


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