Horrible Lovelace performance since latest updates

So I updated my HA from 116.4 to the latest HA 2021.1x release 2 weeks ago (currently running 2021.1.5). Lovelace is terrible slow now, it’s completely unusable on my Samsung tablet (SM-T510). Sure that’s a cheap low end tablet, but it ran pretty fine before. Now it even takes 10+ seconds for a button card to update. Changing dashboards is not even doable because it’s terrible slow. Sometimes I see the dashboard has been frozen for like 4 minutes (I have a time card which is 4 minutes in the past). More powerfull devices (like iPad Pro 2015) that had zero performance issues also show a (small) performance hit. Even my desktop (Ryzen 3900x + RTX 2070 Super) shows some kind of performance hit, albeit less noticible.

Has something changed drastically with how Lovelace works? I didn’t change anything other than update HA. Anyone else notice this?

I know it’s hard for people to really help me troubleshoot since I don’t mention all the custom cards I have etc. But since I didn’t change anything other than updating, I want to find out if others experience this as well first.

Do you see any errors in the web browser developer console?

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I don’t see anything weird:

edit: also uploaded through Imgur for better readability: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

It seems this is because of auto-entities card. I started to use that card when I updated to latest HA (which I forgot about). Removing all auto-entities card entries and reverting to manual way loads everything much faster on slower hardware. I saw a github ticket in this as well after the fact.

I don’t know if auto-entities is browser heavy and it can be fixed at all. For now I will not use auto-entities for the tablet dashboard (sadly).