How are custom cards integrated in 0.86?

hello there

quick question I am starting of with lovelace now I know I am late but I want to find out how can I integrate the custom cards in the new lovelace configuration done all in the ui or frontend i.e. not using the ui-lovelace.yaml ?


Use raw editor to add them.
3 dots top right -> customizeUI
3 dots top right again -> raw editor

hey @DavidFW1960 thanks for the reply.

In the raw editor do we treat it like the ui-lovelace.yaml? i.e. include resources for the custom cards?

yes that’s it.

Actually… my dirty little secret is I still use the yaml file and just cut and paste it whole into the raw editor and save. I only use the GUI editor for really minor stuff and then update the YAML.

ah right ok I see… well I need to validate some code and sort the indentation out as it gives me this error: unable to parse yaml

well that’s weird! If it’s valid if you use yaml mode it should work fine in storage mode.

I did have some erors a few days ago with the folding-entity-row card… I could not save until I removed it and all references to it but that was an issue with that card that was fixed with an update so check all your custom-cards are up-to-date and valid as well.

But the official way to migrate old lovelace to storage mode is to copy and paste the ui-lovelace.yaml into the raw editor and save.

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