How can I change an image id:

I would like to be able to see that there is an error in my online_image:.
This is my code so-far:

  - file: mdi:alert-outline
    id: alert
    resize: 80x80

  verify_ssl: false

  - url: http://hass_ip:8123/local/myImage.png
    format: png
    id: lpg_level
    resize: 80x80
    type: RGB565
    update_interval: 60s
      component.update: tft_display
      #How do I re-set the id: lpg_level to point to ...
      #... image: instead of online_image?
      component.update: tft_display 

Regards, Martin

Would you mind to share your error with the audience? :face_with_monocle:

Okay! Wrong wording. Sorry :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: I am hoping for a starting point/possibility.
As you can see, where I (think) I need to have the code that hopefully change the id(lpg_level) from online_image: lpg_level to image: lpg_level, there is only a placeholder.

But despite hunting the internet and not being a C programmer, I am at a loss as to how to progress. Your suggestion will be most welcome.

Regards, M.