How Can I Change Zwave Fan Switch Speed Slider In Dashboard?

Hello everyone,

All my ZWave fan switches previously had a drop down box which I could select “Low”, “Medium”, or “High” in the Dashboard. Now they all use a slider bar which is not practical as my fans (as I believe most do) only have 3 speeds. How can I revert back to the “Low”, “Medium” and “High” drop down box for my ZWave fan switches? I’m currently on: Home Assistant OS 5.13 (supervisor-2021.03.9 & core-2021.4.2).

Look into creating a template fan using preset modes for low medium and high.

If you get stuck post back and I’ll try to help you.

Thanks for the reply. So there is no way to easily revert back to using “Low”,“Medium”,“High”? This was default before as I was not required to setup any templating. I do not understand why the devs changed this as default in favor of a “dimmer” based slider bar for the fan speed when in fact it is a ZWave fan switch and not a dimmer switch?

Regarding the templating, should I be looking into changing the: state.object_id?

Unfortunately not that I know of.

As far the change, this unfortunately happens more often than it should.

There have been a few times that changes have been made that affect a lot of people at the request of a very limited number of people who’s “squeak” was the loudest.

I’ve tried to plant the seeds of keeping the speed list along with adding the new percentages all over the forum in hopes that someone who could do something about it would see it and feel sorry enough for me (and all the many others who have expressed displeasure at this change - now you included) but either the devs haven’t noticed enough backlash yet or they aren’t concerned about it.

Either way I think we are stuck being left to our own devices to mitigate the inconvenience of the change. And the only way I know to do that is via a template fan based on the original fan.

As far as the actual template here is a framework to get you started:

- platform: template
        friendly_name: "Sunroom Fan Modes Template"
        value_template: "{{ states('fan.your_entity_id_here') }}"
        preset_mode_template: >
          {% if value == 33 %}
          {% elif value == 67 %}
          {% elif value == 100 %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
          service: fan.turn_on
          entity_id: fan.your_entity_id_here
          service: fan.turn_off
          entity_id: fan.your_entity_id_here
          - "off"
          - low
          - medium
          - high

It uses preset modes (which I have been told by at least one dev should be able to be used to set speeds using the usual low, medium and high).

I haven’t fully tested it yet since I’m just trying to wrap my head around the changes myself so let me know if it doesn’t work.