I bought a HOTO Xiaomi kitchen scale, which I want to integrate into my HA and show me the scale readings, I need the libraries to enter them in ESPHome
As this seems to be bluetooth your best bet would be esphome. The mi-scales are supported.
Xiaomi Miscale Sensors — ESPHome and Xiaomi Mijia BLE Sensors — ESPHome
Yes, but it’s not BLE, the device need a permanent connection.
But with key extract you get a BLE token
NAME: HOTO Smart Kitchen Scale
ID: blt.4.188hft2scgk00
MAC: xx
MODEL: hoto.k_scale.qwcfc
If it is not ble, at least tell us what it is.
It’s maybe BLE, but not as a broadcast.
So is it accessible by ESPHome or HA or any other way to get weight data from this device? Did somebody try to successfully connect It?
I’m afraid it might be encrypted (but I’m not sure).
I left it at 0.0g but the values it was sending were different all the time.
Only thing I could get out of the logs is that the frist two bytes is the package number, but I don’t know how to decode the acctual weight.
I managed to find out that it uses miot-plugin-sdk to communicate. Specifically decryptMessageXiaoMiBLE and encryptMessageXiaoMiBLE methods.
Now I’m looking for implementation details of those methods.
Does anyone know if any other alreaddy supported sensors use those enctyption metods ?
So did anyone suceed using this scale?
I’m interested to track the milk bottle intake for my newborn.