How can I embed just the table into a lave lace dashboard

On the following web page their is an option to embed the table to your webpage.
Is it possible to get the embed links into a lovelace dash board some how.
below is an example of the embed link

<iframe frameborder="0"  scrolling="no" width="520" height="700" src=""></iframe><div style="text-align:center;"></div><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>type or paste code here

Thanks for the quick reply. When I put the embed link into the webpage card it it doesn’t work. If I put the url that is part of the embed link it loads the whole website rather than just the table.

Using the IFrame’s src value for a Webpage card works like a charm. Did you copy the full URL including all parameters?

I have tried the following but weirldly it just seems to mirror my homeassistant setup

icon: mdi:soccer
  - type: iframe
    url: '<iframe frameborder="0"  scrolling="no" width="520" height="700" src=""></iframe><div style="text-align:center;"></div><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'

Because <iframe… is not an URL.


Did you find any way of just integrating the data into HA? I don’t like the use of iframe but want to display a league table.