my setup is as followed, a pi4 running Home Assistant Os.
im also using duckdns as a external domain.
My config for the camera’s is:
- platform: generic
name: Buiten Camera
still_image_url: http://192.168.xx.xx/jpg/image.jpg
stream_source: rtsp://192.168.xx.xx:554/11
- platform: generic
name: Aanbouw Camera
still_image_url: http://192.168.xx.xx/jpg/image.jpg
stream_source: rtsp://192.168.xx.xx:554/11
- platform: generic
name: Binnen Camera
still_image_url: http://192.168.xx.xx/jpg/image.jpg
stream_source: rtsp://192.168.xx.xx:554/11
My script is:
alias: Play Video on Chromecast
- service: camera.play_stream
media_player: >
{% if is_state("input_select.camera_display", "Bedroom display") %} media_player.bedroom_display
{% elif is_state("input_select.camera_display", "Living Room display") %} media_player.living_room_display
{% elif is_state("input_select.camera_display", "Kevin Tv") %} media_player.kevin_s_tv
{% endif %}
entity_id: >
{% if is_state("input_select.camera_select", "Buiten Camera") %} camera.buiten_camera
{% elif is_state("input_select.camera_select", "Binnen Camera") %} camera.binnen_camera
{% elif is_state("input_select.camera_select", "Aanbouw Camera") %} camera.aanbouw_camera
{% endif %}
And i made a file with input select:
name: 'Select Camera'
- 'Buiten Camera'
- 'Binnen Camera'
- 'Aanbouw Camera'
initial: 'Buiten Camera'
icon: mdi:camera
The camera’s show up correctly in home assistant and i can use them in a glance card for streaming.
The issue is when i try to cast any of the camera’s to either google chrom/hub, it makes the pling sound and a cast icon appears but the stream doesn’t load. I know it has something to do with certificates and google not accepting regular ip’s.
The reason is when i changed my internal ip to use my duckdns domain everything worked.
The only issue is that other things stopped working.
So does anyone know how to make a config or setup so that google will cast via the duckdns (external ip) instead of the internal?
thank you