I’m using the Alexa Media Player plugin and it works fine
I’m able to ask Alexa about my HA devices status. However i would like to do this without using voice. I have some Alexa-only devices and i’m able to control them, however i still cannot find a way to know if a device is on or off by using a sensor. Do you have any idea on how to do so?
I tried to search here but i didn’t find anything about this
Have you find a way?..right now I able to trigger alexa routines for Alexa-only devices as you too, but missing the other half, get some report/message from alexa into HA to know the device state, at least some simple open/close on/off…
Using templates seems very vague for an answer, I think it involve some lambda function linked to HA for something like that, but at least so far is very confuse to me…I will update here if I find something…at least for calling alexa routines from HA there was a lot of mumbo jumbo but at the end it was really simple using mediaplayer…my guess this other half is more complicated…