How can I stop and start hbmqtt using systemctl? (Hassbian)

Hi Folks,

I am trying to diagnose some issues and I am stopping some services manually and starting them back up:

I stop the services:
sudo systemctl stop [email protected]
sudo systemctl stop zigbee2mqtt

Then Start them back up:
sudo systemctl start zigbee2mqtt
sudo systemctl start [email protected]

But I cannot figure out how to restart hbmqtt. What is the command to do this?

I think by hbmqtt you are referring to the broker embedded within HA. Since it is embedded, the only way to stop it is by stopping HA itself.

If you really need to stop the broker independently, you will need to install an external broker, such as mosquitto. You can install this through hassbian config if you need to.

Alternatively, you could explain the issue you are having and someone may be able to help with that.

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