How can I update Z-wave JS UI to the latest version?

I see this pop up:

I’m running 9.1.0 and have issues. Maybe update this update would help. But what is the process to initiate it? Clicking on this teaser makes it go away. There is nothing under Settings. When I google it, I get elaborate guides about updating docker containers. There is a button somewhere to make this happen, right??

If you’re using an add-on, you don’t. You wait for the add-on to be updated, and upgrade that.

If you’re using Docker container, then you pull the new image.

You’ll need to say how you’ve installed ZUI.

Thanks. I have HAOS on a mini-PC via Proxmox. No dockers.

I wonder what was the thinking behind showing a notification about an update which user can’t get? :slight_smile:

You’re using an add-on which is a custom packaging for HAOS. Not everyone uses HAOS. The add-on just needs to disable these notifications for the future, which it probably will.

Thank you. Is it possible to downgrade ZUI to the previous version? The latest upgrade really screwed things up for me (see HA doesn't know switch and dimmer status since the last Z-wave JS UI update - #2 by RickKramer).

There are no add-on downgrades. Your only realistic option is to restore from a backup.

It’s possible to downgrade if you create your own add-on repository, but that is not a simple task.

Only if you have a backup (you can use partial restore to get back to a previous add-on version), or you login to HAOS and use the command line to remove the current Docker container and spin up a previous version, which is totally not recommended or supported in any way. It also doesn’t work if there was a database version upgrade.