As part of my learning the ropes, I have been setting up various notifications for the changes in status of my solar installation. For this part, I wanted to send a notification each time we generate another MWh of energy. So, I did this by creating a binary sensor based on the value from the solaredge sensor as
Which I think works (I couldn’t find a modulus operator - is there one? ). It simply sets true on each modulus of 1MWh
I then created a simple automation as
- id: '1663491291155'
alias: Announce each MWh of solar
description: Announce each time we generate another MWh of power
- platform: state
- sensor.mwh_boundary_crossed_for_solar_generation
to: 'on'
condition: []
- service: notify.telegram_family
title: Announcement
message: We now now generated {{ int( states('sensor.solaredge_lifetime_energy')|float
/1000000) }} MWh of energy since installation!
mode: single
I’m sure that there must be a cleaner way of doing this. Also, I am aware that this may well fail if HA misses the crossing, which is probably likely. So, a threshold crossing would be far better but I can’t see how to do that.
The availability template will make the binary sensor state unknown if your energy sensor is not able to be converted to a number (if it is unknown, or unavailable).
Your trigger is not quite correct. The entity_id should be:
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.mwh_boundary_crossed_for_solar_generation
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
Adding the from will prevent trigging if the sensor goes on → unknown → on.
That’s fantastic, thank you. I was closer than I thought, which is encouraging.
With the sensor, I assume that will also trigger if it goes from 0.9 → 1.1? That is the actual transition isn’t recorded as the actual solaredge sensor only updates every 15 minutes or so, I believe.
I meant eschewing the modulus and simply extracting the integer value of the shifted sensor input and then seeing if it changes. I don’t need this to be precise, just that when it changes from below the modulus to above (once each MWh) that the automation is triggered.
(NB sorry if I’m using the wrong terminology there)
- id: '1663491291155'
alias: Announce each MWh of solar
description: Announce each time we generate another MWh of energy
- platform: state
- sensor.solar_generation_megawatthours
condition: []
- service: notify.telegram_family
title: Announcement
message: We have now generated {{ int(states('sensor.solaredge_lifetime_energy')|float
/1000000) }} MWh of energy since installation!
mode: single