How could i store a certain state, and time of devices and recall them later?

What I’m trying to do is, store an “unavailable” or “unknown” state from any of a list of devices while I’m away, and then be able to call those times, devices, and states later on (probably through a TTS service when i ask. But that part i know, its just the storing, and recalling i need help with).

I dont mind figuring it out, once i know where to start.

Try the hold node.

Or set your node-red context variables to be stored on disk - then they will be written out each time your save them and you can read them back in at startup time


Serious lack of docs for this node, but it seems simple enough. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks

You can find an example of its usage in this video.

You could post them as a message to MQTT with retain set to true, and then read back from those topics as needed.