Hi, new user here I want to add my family to the dashboard, showing their status (home/away) but am at a loss at to how to go about doing so. The system automatically added me when I set up everything but I dont see a place that allows me to add more people as entities and bring in their info as well. I feel like this might be a dumb question but I just started this journey 3 days ago, so I am entitled to a few dumb ones! Thanks!
The simple way is to install the HA companion app on their phones. That includes device tracking that allow you see if the phone is Home, not_home or in a specific Zone that you have defined.
If you don’t want to install the app, then you can install an integration for tracking devices connected to your home network. Depending on what kind of router you have there might be an integration that allows you to track specific devices by mac address etc.
When you have some device_trackers for your family members, you can add those to the people you have added.
Ok. So if I am understanding correctly, if I have them dl the app on their phones & connect to our HA instance, their info will automatically populate in HA as an entity? Then I can include their entity info in my dashboard to show if they are home or away? Thanks for your help!