I have different types of thermostats in the house and would like to add comparable heating_needed and difference_to_outside_temp attributes that I can use in automations (some thermostats state they are in heat mode although the room temperature is abover the desired temperature). I’m just not getting it to work. Do I need to create new entities or can I add attributes to the existing thermostats? Can someone help me for this example:
(this thermostat is in heat mode, although it should not be. So I want to have a new value always showing “current_temperature - temperature” that I use in automations instead of the entity state itself (heat/off)…
hvac_modes: heat, off
min_temp: 8
max_temp: 28
preset_modes: eco, comfort
current_temperature: 19.5
temperature: 18
preset_mode: null
battery_low: false
battery_level: 60
holiday_mode: false
summer_mode: false
window_open: false
friendly_name: Zimmer 2 hinten
supported_features: 17