I have several Smart plugs to monitor the energy consumption of appliances.
In the Tuya app, their consumption is shown as the main “gauge” with a history even.
In HA I can only find their sensors (as entities) in A, V and Power (W).
Do I need to write some code to multiple power by time “on” somehow to get energy?
Questions in my head relate to sample frequency, continuous reporting, averaging etc…
I’d like to display the result in a simple list on an Energy dashboard.
Any suggestions or solutions?
For zigbee devices using z2m you have to enable power, voltage and current entities as they are disabled by default in mqtt integration.
For wifi devices i don’t know as i don’t use them.
I should have said: they are WiFi devices…
And I have enabled and can and do see and display voltage, current and power. Energy is obviously power X time
It was working just by adding entity sensor_*_energy to energy dashboard and it would display it in energy dashboard with power consumption.
Maybe they something changed in latest release as a lot of people are complaining on different things not working. Mine is working as it should, but I’m not using haos and all devices are zigbee.
I have been looking for an answer to the tuya monitoring issue for some time, however im not sure i understand what you mean by way of a sensor_*_energy, could you possible elaberate.
Well if you are looking for this answer for some time then something is obvoiusly wrong. I don’t know, I’m not using wifi devices with smart monitoring capabilities. Just zigbee ones. Yes, they are all tuya or tuya based devices but I never had any problems with them.
I just added sensor in energy dashboard and that was all.