How do I get sensor data from a capacitive soil moisture sensor connected to a Seeed Grove ADC hat?

Hey everyone!

I’m playing around with some sensors using an ADC hat from Seeed. Using a Python script, I’m able to get data from the sensor (tested this on Raspbian). How do I display this sensor data in HA? Is this the best method to do this? I’ve played around with HA before using Wyze sensors, so I have a general idea of how HA works, but I’m having trouble connecting the dots from the sensor to the HA dashboard.

Thanks in advance.

I’d get a wemos d1 mini, a pair of ads1115 breakouts, and use esphome to get it in HA. This wouldn’t be cheap thanks to the 16bit adc’s, but 16 is much better than 12, and it would be very easy to assemble/code. That adc hat you have would require I think a lot more work to get working with HA.

Come on do you think you’d really need more than 4096 levels of precision? 16 certainly is better than 12, but 10 would do here!

EDIT one esp32 has 18 ADC convertors at 12 bits. Job done!

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Perfect… I didn’t realize esp32 had 18 adc’s.