I’m trying to add a new user. I was able to create a user with password for myself but it definitely didn’t go as described. I was prompted to just login. After repeated stopping HA, removing the /.storage folder, and rebooting it finally prompted to create a user. My understanding is I can manage users from Configuration > users except I don’t have that option. I see the icon for my profile and I can get to my profile and I’m logged in as the owner, at least I assume, is there a way to check? If I go to /config/users I get a blank screen with an orange add button but if I try to add a user it says unauthorized.
Between this and the mess with zwave entity_ids I’m not really impressed with the recent updates. I’m running 0.77.3.
not to belittle what you’re going through, but I have had no problem with the upgrade to V0.77.X and the required user setup (so far).
When I go to the ‘Configuration’ option and select ‘Users’ the URL is automatically forwarded from /config/users to /config/users/picker - maybe it’s worth giving that try.
Yeah, it forwards to /config/users/picker but when I try and create a new user it gives me an unauthorized error. If I inspect the page I see the message below but I am the owner and I’m logging in with the only configured account. It looks like I’m deleting the /.storage folder for the fifth time.
Uncaught (in promise)
1. Object
1. code:"unauthorized"
2. message:"This command is for owners only."
3. __proto__:Object
I’m looking at the /.storage/auth file. It has three users. My user, a Hass.io user, and a HomeAssistant user. The last one is the owner (is_owner: true). I stopped Hassio (hasiso ha stop), deleted the HomeAssistant user , changed my user to is_owner: true, and restarted it (hassio ha start). It just spun. So I stopped, deleted the folder entirely, and restarted. It came up and prompted to create an account, which I did, but it still just spins. The auth file now has only two accounts and my account is owner which seems better. Looking in my logs I’m getting a lot of “Login attempt or request with invalid authentication” errors except I’m not trying to login. I’m guessing since I chose to save my password, my browser is generating those. So I cleared my cache and cookies and still spinning. Finally I cleared all site data in Chrome and I was prompted for username/password and was able to get back in.
Yeah, super duper simple. I would think this could be a challenge for a lot of folks.
I was having the same issues adding a user after upgrading. What fixed it for me was to go into the [config]/.storage/auth file and change my user’s is_owner: true. Then restarted Hassio. The user screen worked properly after that.