Is there a way to determine which server is active and what url is currently in use? I am either missing something completely right under my nose or there just seems to be no way to see which server is active and which url is in use in the companion app.
If I select a particular server (not activate, just select) from the companion app settings there is a button at the top labeled “Activate” and “Connected via” says either Internal or External URL and “Web Socket” shows connected. All of this is regardless of whether I have pressed “Activate” previously for that server or not! So I have no idea which server is actually active.
Which server is active matters as it decides whether to switch to a particular internal URL or not when an SSID is connected. Also, regardless of which server is active it would just simply be important to know what url is being used to connect to my Home Assistant server.
As background, I have two servers configured in the companion app. One uses my internal URL with a configured SSID and when not connected switches to the external URL which is configured to use Nabu Casa cloud (I have a subscription). The other server is configured strictly for Tailscale so only has an external URL. When I activate the Tailscale server I expect that the Tailscale URL for Home Assistant is all that should ever be in used by the companion app regardless of whether I am connected to the local network or not. When I activate the server connecting via my native local network I expect it to switch back and forth between my internal URL and Home Assistant cloud depending on whether I am connected to the local SSID access point.
However, I see no way to know what server is active so knowing which of these two behaviors to expect and what the current IP address is (including the Nabu Casa clound IP). This seems like important information to have to evaluate the behavior of the app.