How do you guys view the HA changelog?

Back when I used to run HA supervised, I used to love reading through the changelog for every major release. Nowadays I run home assistant docker and it’s just updated automatically and I never even know I’m running a new release.

I guess I could just check it periodically, or add some sort of Lovelace card that pulls the content from the releases URL, but I thought some of you guys might already have a more elegant solution.

Some sort of dismissible pop up that notifies me whenever a new major release is pushed, or a conditional Lovelace card that only appears when a new release is announced, etc.

Anyone else already figured out a solution? Or even anyone in the same boat as me?

Using the Version integration you can use binary_sensor.home_assistant_versions_update_available to have your UI tell you an update is available. If I see one is available I just go to the HA web site and read the release notes there.

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Doesn’t have the changelog as such, still kind of useful for following version, and will take you directly to the github you starred, via the visit link.

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