How to add a 4 channel relay to HA using a RFXtrx433e?

Hi, I’m trying to add one of these 4 channel relays to Home Assistance using a RFXtrx433e transceiver.


It have managed to get it to work with the RFXmanager application, it uses the Lightning5 protocol with Avantek subtype. The protocol can’t receive, it can only send, so i can’t use the “automatic add” feature in HA like i have with all my light switches. So how do i add it to HA? :slight_smile:

This is the log in the RFXmanager when i enable two of the relays:

Lighting5 command
Packettype    = Lighting5
subtype       = Avantek
Sequence nbr  = 52
ID            = 000001 decimal:1
Unit          = 1
Command       = On
Signal level  = 0  -120dBm
Packettype        = Receiver/Transmitter Message
subtype           = Transmitter Response
Sequence nbr      = 52
response          = ACK, data correct transmitted
Lighting5 command
Packettype    = Lighting5
subtype       = Avantek
Sequence nbr  = 53
ID            = 000001 decimal:1
Unit          = 2
Command       = On
Signal level  = 0  -120dBm
Packettype        = Receiver/Transmitter Message
subtype           = Transmitter Response
Sequence nbr      = 53
response          = ACK, data correct transmitted

Any help appreciated! :slight_smile: