How to add a light group to scene?

I have a light group in my living room and everything works great. I’m trying now to set up some scenes but I can’t select the light group but just the individual lights.

I suspected this is not possible since the UI just show the option to select devices however after some research I believe it should be possible.

Does anyone have an idea how I can add the group to a scene? (both were created using the UI)

The option appeared after upgrading to 2022.8 :tada:

I’m running 2022.8.5 but I cannot see my light group as an option in the scene editor :frowning: I have it on my dashboard, and it works, so I know I created it successfully.

Is there anything else you had to do to get it to show up, by chance?

Nope, it just appeared back in the last major update.

I have an entities section in one HA install (“Individual entities can be added here.”) but not on the other. Both are running 2023.9.x.

Does anyone know what makes it appear?

You have to activate the advance options in your profile.