How to add devices correct to Z-wave

Hi All,

I read this on the integration:

  1. Go to the Z-Wave control panel in the Home Assistant frontend
  2. Click the Add Node button in the Z-Wave Network Management card - this will place the controller in inclusion mode
  3. Activate your device to be included by following the instructions provided with the device
  4. With the device in its final location, run a Heal Network

Is it better to add 1 devices, heal network, add second one, heal network… etc…
or add all devices at once and then heal network.

And do i add the device on the place where it goes or neat the controller?

You can do a heal after you added all the nodes. For inclusion I take the device close to the controller, after it has been included I put it in its final location and then I do a heal network.

Thanks. I will try that. I have add all powered devices but 2 are not linked to others. Extreme slow also.
Rest of the devices are running correct. First want let work this as expected before I add my battery powered devices… :smiley: