How to add/replace a component in github dev branch (solaredge)

hello, i ask for an update for solaredge component , which is now available under github dev branch.
i have already installed solaredge composnent via Integration.

How could i add or replace the actual version of the component (which is an old one) with the new github dev branch for this component ?

(i’m new on HA so this question could be obvious, but i didn’t find an answer, that i could understand)

thanks for help

For testing you can copy the solaredge folder from github to your custom_components folder in your configuration folder. This will override the current build in component (after a restart of HA)

Maybe the component is in the beta 0.112.0b0 which came out a few hours ago?

ok , but i have no solaredge folder inside custom_component , my solaredge “component” has been added directly with Integration interactive interface , should to copy (and create) of the github component/solaredge inside custom_component enough ?

Yes, just create the folder solaredge inside your custom_components folder and put your files in there. home assistant will first look here for components and load these. This will override the default code. After Removing the folder it will load the normal component again after a restart, so it’s safe to test it in this way.

@Ernst thanks, i follow @VDRainer and enable beta , the new component code is inside, i will test what you’re suggesting for the next time , it’s a very interesting feature , i noticed in a paper to remember.

thanks again for both of you with your reply