How to add restrictions to custom component cv.delare_id()?

I am writing a custom component to access the ESP32 nvs flash partition. I have the initialization working pretty much as I want, but I’d like the validation to verify that the ‘key’ is 15 characters or less in length to meet the esp idf nvs library requirements. I’m using the id: yaml setting as the key. The yaml to use the new component looks like this:

  - id: test_nvs_key
    type: int
    nvs_namespace: 'test_namespace'
    initial_value: 100
  - id: test_nvs_string
    type: String
    nvs_namespace: 'test_namespace'
    initial_value: "Hello"

The section looks like this:

def validate_type(value):
    if str(value) != 'String' and str(value) != 'int':
        raise cv.Invalid("type: must be String (capitalized) or int")
    return value

def validate_id(value):
    #if len(str(value)) < 1:
    #    raise cv.Invalid("id must be at least 1 character long")
    #if len(str(value)) > 15:
    #    raise cv.Invalid("id must be at most 15 characters long")
    return cv.declare_id(Esp32NvsComponent)

CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.Schema({
    #cv.Required(CONF_ID): validate_id,
    cv.Required(CONF_ID): cv.declare_id(Esp32NvsComponent),
    cv.Required(CONF_TYPE): validate_type,
    cv.Required(CONF_NVS_NAMESPACE): cv.All(cv.string, cv.Length(max=15), cv.Length(min=1)),
    cv.Required(CONF_INITIAL_VALUE): cv.Any(cv.string_strict, cv.int_),

I have not been able to find a way to verify that the CONF_ID is 15 characters or less. The above code validates OK, but allows id: strings that are too long. If I just swap the comments on the cv.Required(CONF_ID) lines so it uses validate_id (with all the length checked commented out, as shown) instead of the direct cv.declare_id(Esp32NvsComponent), I get this error on validation:

Couldn't find ID 'test_nvs_key'. Please check you have defined an ID with that name in your configuration.

But even if calling validate_id worked, I don’t think that method of verifying the string length works.

Anybody know of a way?