How to add sensor without editing configuration.yaml?

Hello. I know that at initial configuration and with autodiscovery, the Home Assistant can add sensors itself and they are not listed in configuration.yaml.

Can I add sensors with gui or through HA interface too? I cannot edit .yaml and restart HA everytime I want to add sensor, because I loose remembered states. Thank you.

You can edit configuration.yaml and then reload it.
Configuration: Server Controls: select what you want to reload

How about creating a sensors.yaml to add all your manually configured sensors and then add this line in your configuration.yaml. I think these should reload through one of the “Configutation - Server Controls” choices. Can’t remember for sure though.

sensor: !include sensor.yaml

Unfortunately, I do not think most non-template sensors can be reloaded, and I cannot find documentation on which types of integrations reload from each non-obvious selection. For example, I am using the derivative integration… what reloads that?

Thanks but partial reload never worked for me. When I added sensor I always had to restart whole HA and that exactly I need to avoid.

No it’s not possible to load all manually configured sensors (only template sensors) without a server restart.