How to add some buttons to the dashboard to disable/enable some automations

Hi, as I’m new , I like to add a card with some buttons to enable/disable some automation. But I don’t know where to start with?

Is there some help to point me in the right direction?

First, to directly answer your question, you can configure a button on your dashboard like any other entity: add a button card, except you don’t need to select an entity and then set the tap action to call service to disable/enable automation using the Automation Toggle service.

That being said, the better approach is to create a toggle helper entity and make your automation conditional on that toggle being off, then you create a button for that toggle entity.

I tried already with the button card, and that worked.
But I like to use a button to set my pellet heater in a certain state. => mode : off and preset : hold. I made a scene for that, but I don’t get a button on the screen. Do I have to make a button helper first and then a script?

No, you can use the first suggestion to create a button that calls a service to set your HVAC mode. If you want something more complex that does multiple things or calculates then you need a script and you then fire the script using the same method again for Script Turn On.

Now I know where to look for. I have a good start. Thanks

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