I have multiple Utility Meter sensors that collect from various plugs and devices. They collect total energy usage for each device perfectly, but I want to create a single total value for say all daily sensors.
The naming convention is sensor.daily_devicename_energy where devicename changes based on the source devices the kWh value is collected from in Utility Meter.
I think I need to use some kind of value template filter, to collect all device with the name sensor.daily_*_energy to have an aggregated total energy consumed by multiple devices.
I want to set it up, so when I add a new device, it is automatically identified by name and then added to the usage total without having to manually add each new daily sensor to the list.
Template sensors require entity_id’s to listen to. If you use dynamic entity_ids, the system doesn’t know when to create a ‘listener’, so you end up with no listeners.
You’ll always need to manually add an item to the template sensor.
But you could add sensor.time to the template sensor and it will update once a minute.
That would look like this:
- platform: date_time
- 'time'
- platform: template
friendly_name: Total Daily Energy
entity_id: sensor.time
value_template: >
{% set ns = namespace(states=[]) %}
{% for s in states.sensor %}
{% if s.object_id.startswith('daily_') and s.object_id.endswith('_energy') %}
{% set ns.states = ns.states + [ s.state | float ] %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ ns.states | sum }}
This worked an absolute treat, thank you very much for your help! Have to be honest, doubt I would have figured this out myself calling a time sensor to force new listeners.
Made a couple of small changes
change date_time to time_date
added unit of measurement kWh
Add | round(2) after the sum
- platform: time_date
- 'time'
- platform: template
friendly_name: Total Daily Energy
entity_id: sensor.time
unit_of_measurement: kWh
value_template: >
{% set ns = namespace(states=[]) %}
{% for s in states.sensor %}
{% if s.object_id.startswith('daily_') and s.object_id.endswith('_energy') %}
{% set ns.states = ns.states + [ s.state | float ] %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ ns.states | sum | round(2) }}