I have multiple google homes and different rooms and I want people who use it to just have to say for example: ok Google, turn on the led strip and the one that corresponds to that room turns on. I know it could be called like: ok google turn on the led strip of room X, but I have 10 different spaces and it will be difficult for users to remember or know the name of each room. How can this be achieved?
I have nabu casa
I don’t have a Google assistant device but I remember reading that if you assign your Google home and other devices to areas, Google will default to operating commands on the devices in its own area.
So a Google home in the area ‘kitchen’ will turn off the lights in the area ‘kitchen’ when you just ask it to ‘turn off the lights’.
The only issue with this is that you can only assign areas to integrations set up through the UI, not those set up in YAML.
Place the devices in rooms in Google Home app and it should work as you expect.
Ah. You can use the rooms in Google assistant as well as Home assistant areas?
That means that yaml integrations aren’t such an issue then.
Yes. HA will send the areas and GA take them into account.
You can override the room per entity in configuration.yaml as well.
Or in Google Home app.
There are other settings in Home app that has an advantage.
Such as setting a default media player to a Google Home speaker.
As an example kitchen and livingroom speaker defaults to media player in the living room, that way if you are in the kitchen you can just say pause, and it knows it’s the livingroom chromecast that needs to be paused.
You may want a different grouping of the lights for spoken commands than in Home assistant, and that is in my opinion a good reason to do the grouping/setting rooms in Google Home app.