I’m trying to plot on my dashboard how much the power import from the grid cost me.
The idea is, that since I’ve solar panel, I want to see the balance in money of what I did export and import.
The complex part is that I’ve two different rates: between 07:00 and 21:00, it’s 32.95/kwh, and between 21:00 and 07:00, it’s 22.59ct/kwh.
I’m not sure how I can have a value that show the current status.
Here is what I get as input:
I’ve a daily counter in kwh of my current usage:
I’ve setup an entity that provide
I’ve tried to do a template entity:
{{ '{:.2f}'.format((states('sensor.current_import_tarif') | float) * (states('sensor.daily_grid_import_energy') | float) /100) }}
But it doesn’t work, it uses the tarif of the current moment of the day for the whole consumption. You can see on this chart, that the cost jumps at 07:00 and lowers at 21:00:
I tought of creating 2 additional entity, a “Night consumption” and a “day consumption”, but I’ve no idea on how to do this.
I also see that the utility meter can have tarif, but I can’t understand what I should enter here?
WHat’s my best option?