How to connect my Relay to Home Assistant

Hi everyone,

I’m super new to this. I just bought a Lilygo T Relay S3 board and I’m trying to setup Home Assistant so I can control relays remotely. I uploaded this .ino sketch into my board (to make it work with Home Assistant) : LilyGo-T-Relay/examples/T-Relay-ESP32S3/HomeAssistant at main · Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-T-Relay · GitHub and followed all instructions given here : LilyGo-T-Relay/docs/RELAY_ESP32S3.MD at 8820aaea3234f601ebf4f5a95f5502285cdc9a4c · Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-T-Relay · GitHub // (Arduino IDE method)

The compilation was successful and the sketch was uploaded. Now how do I connect this to Home Assistant?

Make sure that you have the ESP32 intergration installed in your instance and as soon as the device is on the same network it should show up as a detected device.