I have an Arduino with OneWire temperature sensors, and I want to connect it to Hass.io.
Arduino sending UDP message in form
"1W 28FF3719721605EF TEMP 24812"
Where 28FF3719721605EF is address and 24812 is temperature.
In Node-Red I transform it to MQTT topic
and send it via mqtt out node to Hass.io mqtt broker (Mosquito MQTT).
In Hass.io Developer Tools -> MQTT I can see this topic:
But Im unable to create new entity for this.
In configuration.yaml i have this:
- platform: "mqtt"
state_topic: "OneWire/28FF3719721605EF"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
device_class: "temperature"
value_template: "{{ value_json.temperature }}"
Where is the problem? How to createn new entity for this MQTT topic?