OK, so i’ve answered my own question… leaving this here for anyone else :
This triggers when dasher sets an input_boolean.doorbell to on… it then puts the volume up to 100% on our source (the frontroom echo dot in this case) plays the doorbell track on spotify and then lowers the volume again 30 seconds later.
you set it up on the Amazon app but don’t select an item to order…
then you run Dasher which will see the button when you press it and send a command to HA… In my case it’s telling an input_boolean to turn on. My Automation above sees the input_boolean change from off to on, turns up the volume on the desired Echo, plays the tune, turns down the volume again and then flips the boolean back to off ready to go again.
Thank you!
This summer I did the same project as you, but with a doorbell switch with 15meter wire to my rasperry.
Although i have a cheap ebay ip camera pointed at my frontdoor so when HASS plays the doorbell.mp3 its also sends a snapshot picture to my telegram! For a short time HASS actually called me up on skype and i talked to the person pressed my doorbell.
I don’t have a camera in the porch yet but it is on the list of things to do… that would be a definite improvement…
Beware… there is a very small delay between pressing the button and it going off… if you set a static IP then it speeds things up though… my delay is around 3 seconds.
It does exactly that… you press the button and then it connects. I think you’re limited to about 1000 button presses but once that’s up, you can crack it open and replace the AAA battery and it should reset it.
If you planning on buying a cheap ip camera Ebay link
Mine is 2 years old… mounted outside, under a “rain cover”. Worked thru two European winter. I had about 5-10 freeze ups in two years. Also its 720p/~15-20fps
Edit: I forgot to mention, you need to buy a power adapter for it. A 1amper adapter should work. Im using it with a POE adapter so one wire only.
How were you able to play music through the echo dot?? So far I’ve gotten the emulated hue component working with being able to trigger entities in HASS with my dot but I haven’t found any ways of controlling the volume of my dot or playing music from HASS.
the above section shows how i select the Spotify connect source (which in this case is an Echo) and then tell it to raise the volume, play the playlist (of 1 track), then lower the volume