16-12-07 14:58:25 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [sensor.rfxtrx]: Rfxtrx device 0a520d05a90100b2380179_temperature is invalid: Invalid device id for OrderedDict([('0a520d05a90100b2380179_temperature', OrderedDict([('name', 'tempchambre'), ('data_type', ['Humidity', 'Temperature'])]))]) for dictionary value @ data['devices']. Got OrderedDict([('0a520d05a90100b2380179_temperature', OrderedDict([('name', 'tempchambre'), ('data_type', ['Humidity', 'Temperature'])]))]). (See ?:?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.rfxtrx/
How can i declare my devices rfxcom ?
Incompatibilities with protocol ?
My devices are temperature/humidity sensors in 433mhz with protocol Rubikon.
I can see my sensors on the page of devices (in Home assistant), but impossible to use it on the frontend
Path to configuration.yaml: /home/debian/.homeassistant
Developed by a bunch of awesome people.
Published under the MIT license
Source: server — frontend-ui — frontend-core
Built using Python 3, Polymer 1.7.0, NuclearJS 1.4.0
Icons by Google and MaterialDesignIcons.com.
The following errors have been logged this session:
16-12-07 15:53:59 homeassistant.loader: Loaded sensor.rfxtrx from homeassistant.components.sensor.rfxtrx
16-12-07 15:53:59 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [sensor.rfxtrx]: value is not allowed @ data[‘devices’][‘data_type’][0]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data[‘devices’][‘data_type’][2]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data[‘devices’][‘data_type’][3]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data[‘devices’][‘data_type’][4]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data[‘devices’][‘data_type’][6]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data[‘devices’][‘data_type’][7]. Got None. (See ?:?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.rfxtrx/
16-12-07 20:18:10 homeassistant.loader: Loaded sensor.yweather from homeassistant.components.sensor.yweather
16-12-07 20:18:10 homeassistant.loader: Loaded sensor.rfxtrx from homeassistant.components.sensor.rfxtrx
16-12-07 20:18:10 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [sensor.rfxtrx]: value is not allowed @ data['devices']['data_type'][0]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data['devices']['data_type'][2]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data['devices']['data_type'][3]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data['devices']['data_type'][4]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data['devices']['data_type'][6]. Got None
value is not allowed @ data['devices']['data_type'][7]. Got None. (See ?:?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.rfxtrx/
16-12-07 20:18:10 homeassistant.loader: Loaded sensor.template from homeassistant.components.sensor.template
Currently there is no rfxtrx binary sensor. But you can probaly add it as a rfxtrx switch an use template binary sensor.
it would be great if you can help improve the documentation for the rfxtrx component.
In the upper right corner of any documentation page, you will find “Edit this page on GitHub”.
Follow the link and submit your suggested change.
Demonstrated here: https://youtu.be/dRfk9JAlPJk?t=1h16m17s4