I have plenty of storage so I am not concerned - But I am wondering what would have caused a spike from 26% to 32% overnight. Is there a way I can see the largest files in HA OS?
Presumably an automatic backup.
That’s what I thought at first, too. I should have mentioned that. My backups are configured to go to my NAS, not to HA storage.
The harder way:
You would need to connect directly (ie. not via the SSH addon) and then use:
login (to go from ha prompt to # prompt)
du -hs /* | grep G
This willl show you the top level folders that are using gigabytes, and then drill your way down. For example, at the top level it’s probably only /mnt - then do du -hs /mnt/* | grep G
, then repeat.
The easier way:
Open a backup and it will show the total size of each addon and HA to help narrow down what is using space.