I’m running this:
Host Operating System Home Assistant OS 5.9
Update Channel stable
Supervisor Version 2020.12.7
Docker Version 19.03.13
Disk Total 116.7 GB
Disk Used 13.1 GB
Healthy true
Supported true
Board rpi4-64
and have these ERRORs in the log, but no idea how to troubleshoot them, as I can’t even identify which ADDON this is?! Who can help??
21-01-12 17:48:55 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.utils.json] Can't read json from /data/addons/git/71f6cd10/example/config.json: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 15 column 3 (char 417)
21-01-12 17:48:55 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.store.data] Can't read /data/addons/git/71f6cd10/example/config.json from repository 71f6cd10
21-01-12 17:48:56 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.utils.json] Can't read json from /data/addons/git/71f6cd10/example/config.json: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 15 column 3 (char 417)
21-01-12 17:48:56 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.store.data] Can't read /data/addons/git/71f6cd10/example/config.json from repository 71f6cd10